Was ist Gicht?

Gout is a disease caused by the deposit of uric acid (a substance present in the blood) inside the joints, where it forms a kind of small “crystals”. These crystals cause, during the acute attack, painful inflammation, redness and increased temperature of the joint, which becomes very sensitive to the touch. It usually affects the big toe, although any joint can become inflamed. In addition to the joints, gout can affect the tendons and bursae surrounding them.

If not treated properly, gout attacks can recur and eventually become a chronic problem, which can seriously damage the joints. On the other hand, it is important to know that gout attacks are not always triggered by hyperuricemia -elevation of uric acid in the blood- and not in all gout attacks high levels of uric acid are detected in the blood.

The best natural treatment contains Boswellia and Curcumin, potent natural plants: Gout Treatment


It is due to the prolonged presence of an elevated uric acid level in the blood (known as “hyperuricemia”), in the same way that common salt deposits are formed in salt pans. When they grow and we can see or touch them under the skin we know them as tophi.

To know if you suffer from Gout, here you can learn more about the symptoms of Gout: Gout Symptoms

The main Tips to prevent Gout from appearing are:

Take care of your Diet

One of the main risk factors for this condition is the excessive consumption of red meat (beef, pork, bull, ox, ox, horse, goat and lamb), said the expert, so the frequency with which it is consumed should be reduced. Instead, the intake of white meats (chicken, turkey, fish) should be increased, in addition to basing the diet mainly on vegetables, fruits, wholemeal flours and legumes.

There are some foods that you should avoid completely to prevent Gout: Gout Diet

Consumption of Liquids

The specialist recommended drinking two to three liters of water a day. Likewise, alcohol consumption should be avoided, as it hinders the elimination of uric acid through urine. Beer consumption should also be reduced to a minimum, since it has a more harmful effect due to its high purine content, substances whose decomposition increases the production of uric acid.


The ideal is to engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. In most cases, gout begins to manifest itself with symptoms such as constant stabbing pain, swelling, redness, heat and stiffness in the big toe joint and later in the ankles and knees, explained Bafidis Ruvalcaba.

In case of presenting any of these discomforts, the expert exhorted the population to go immediately to the doctor for a check-up of the general health condition, in order to treat this ailment in time.

There are many home remedies that help against gout: Home Remedies For Gout

Yes to Water, no to Alcohol

Consult your doctor about what is the most appropriate fluid intake for you. In general, try to drink at least ten to twelve glasses of water a day (about two liters a day), especially if you suffer from urate kidney stones. On the other hand, it would be advisable to reduce the consumption of beer (with and without alcohol) and high-proof alcoholic beverages, because they increase the production of uric acid and cause dehydration.

Control your Uric Acid level periodically

If you are at increased risk of developing gout, it is very important that you have regular blood tests to prevent and detect possible hyperuricemia. Your doctor will indicate the necessary frequency.

Check your Cholesterol, Blood Pressure or Blood Sugar levels regularly

Since there is increasing evidence that gout is associated with cardiovascular disease, it is very important that you monitor the associated risk factors: cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar. And also, give up smoking.

Gout often appears on the hand: Gout Hand

Faithfully follow the Treatment prescribed by the Doctor

If, as is very common in these cases, you also need a pharmacological treatment prescribed by the doctor, do not forget to take it. Make sure you understand the purpose of each drug and the situations in which they are taken in relation to your disease, as well as the possible side effects and what to do if you have any problems. Ask your healthcare professional about any questions you may have.

Be Patient

Gout is one of the few rheumatological diseases that can be cured. Although it is a process that can last for years, if uric acid levels are kept low long enough, the crystals will tend to dissolve. And without crystals, there is no gout and the disease is cured.

In this Channel you can learn all about Gout: Gout Home Remedy

Author: Roger Ramirez